BOXETTI delivers its goods to any country in the world. Most often our goods are being ordered to the countries listed below. If your country is not listed below, we'll organize the delivery to the desired country, please let us know by e-mail:

country till 10 kg up to 30 kg up to 50 kg up to 80 kg  up  to 100 kg
Austria EUR 55 EUR 80 EUR 90 EUR 100 EUR 130<
Belgium EUR 65 EUR 90 EUR 100 EUR 120 EUR 150<
Denmark EUR 65 EUR 90 EUR 100 EUR 120 EUR 140<
Estonia EUR 30 EUR 40 EUR 60 EUR 80 EUR 100<
Finland EUR 55 EUR 60 EUR 80 EUR 100 EUR 120<
France EUR 70 EUR 130 EUR 140 EUR 160 EUR 220<
Germany EUR 35 EUR 55 EUR 70 EUR 100 EUR 120<
Ireland EUR 65 EUR 100 EUR 140 EUR 170 EUR 200<
Latvia EUR 10 EUR 30 EUR 40 EUR 50 EUR 90<
Lithuania EUR 20 EUR 50 EUR 60 EUR 80 EUR 100<
Netherlands EUR 60 EUR 90 EUR 100 EUR 120 EUR 150<
Norway EUR 50 EUR 70 EUR 90 EUR 120 EUR 150<
Poland EUR 40 EUR 50 EUR 60 EUR 100 EUR 120<
Sweden EUR 40 EUR 60 EUR 80 EUR 110 EUR 130<
Switzerland EUR 55 EUR 70 EUR 100 EUR 120 EUR 150<
United Kingdom EUR 55 EUR 110 EUR 130 EUR 180 EUR 200<

After filling out the order form and completing the check-out procedure, the delivery costs will be automatically added to the price of the goods you've selected. The goods are being delivered within 3-4 weeks time from the moment the payment has been received. The invoice for the order will be sent to you by e-mail within 1 working day. We'll keep you informed by e-mail about the progress in processing your order.